15 Volunteer Organizations to gain Tech and Data skills

Jessica Ayodele
4 min readSep 18, 2022

Are you looking to gain real world Tech experience while learning and before landing a job? Volunteering is a great way to do so as you can also include it on your resume.

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Here’s a list of 15+ organizations you can be a part of. For those into Data Science, Analytics and Engineering, there’s specific ones for you too:

1. Democracy Lab

They connect Tech for good projects with skilled volunteers. Each project has a list of required roles

Category: UI/UX, Data, Software Engr, Product Mgt etc.

2. Volunteer Match

Explore hundreds of virtual volunteer opportunities in various areas. You can search by role or by location.

Category: All Tech Skills across various industries — search available roles.



Jessica Ayodele

Data Analyst who loves Machine Learning, NLP & Data Visualisation • Lover of well-written books • Visit my website jess-analytics.com to learn more.